Sculpting is AWESOME!

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

Here’s another one of a set of creature sculpts I’m currently working on.


You are on a roll!! I’m liking them all, but this last one of the elephant is amazing. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you! It definitely turned out better than I thought it would when I was in the roughing stage lol!

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This one is still a W.I.P. He needs proper hands and feet lol… but I’ve spent 2 evenings working on this so far and had to move on from playing with hair particles. Learned a lot though, thanks chewy!


Your really good at this! Keep up the good work!

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Thanks man! :smiley:

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Just another critter creation. I wanted to try something a little different, and thought this beetle had a unique look.

Interesting fact about the Hercules Beetle; it can lift over 850 times its own body weight, and until recently was considered the strongest insect on the planet! (Dung Beetle now holds that title, lifting over 1141 times its own weight!).


Another amazing sculpt!

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How did you texture it?

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That actually took some experimenting, but I managed to add a texture to my brush in Vertex Painting like so;

However, I had issues when using multiple layers of Vertex Colors… So I’ve been preparing myself to learn proper Retopology so I can texture paint for far more control over the textures and painting.


One more fun sculpt! This time I was trying to sculpt more detail before attempting some retopology.


Really nice project!
Add some nature around it.

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Thanks for the compliment FedPete! :smiley: I feel this one was a decent stepping stone for me in starting to do more detailed sculpts. As well as thinking of how the retopo will work while sculpting.

As for giving Frogbert an environment… well, perhaps that will come later. I’d like to also rig it to pose it after retopo. But for now I’m just trying to hone my skills in basic sculpting lol, and hopefully do some actual characters soon! :sunglasses:

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After a decent amount of research and work I finally managed to pull off my first manual Retopo on a sculpt. Which turned out OK, but definitely could have some better edge loops and some more work around the feet to get a cleaner result… Need more practice.

However, I managed to drop it from 2.5 Million faces down to 7,000. Which is awesome!

First image is the plain retopo, second is with the baked texture map.


Just now came across this thread. These are great!

My reactions:

  • the second one looks like Bruce Willis untextured, but a little like Billy Bob Thornton textured (especially the front view)
  • awesome Worf!
  • love the elephant
  • the beetle and the frog: Wow.

Great job! would love to see more of this.


Dinosaurs in your collab have to be made by the author of this.


Thanks man!, The second one was supposed to be my attempt at bruce willis, so I’m glad it sorta looks like him atleast :rofl:.

I’m sure I’ll get around to making more creatures and animals, just been busy with life(it’s summer!) and studying the character creation course.

Cheers eh!

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Haha I’ve definitely been thinking of making some kinda dinosaur, probably a Velociraptor or a Dilophosaurus since they are some of my favorite!

Haven’t seen a collab for prehistoric creations yet though, perhaps that could be a future collab?


Here is the link New Team Project Though they were supposed to be low poly…
And you have to participate in weekly challenges, it’s fun! The Blender Collab: Week 24 Themed Gallery (“The Laboratory”) This one is closing soon, you can join the next one )


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