Scroll view not scrolling!

for some reason my scroll view in unity is not working, I am unable to scroll. I was able to implement scrolling in a new scene but not in my current scene

The first thing that comes to mind is that I’m not seeing items in the scroll view to scroll, but I’m not positive that would affect it. The scroll view is a complex patchwork of components on different components, and it only takes one of them being disabled/incorrectly set up to cause the scroll view to fail.

Best course is to remove the existing scroll view and add another in it’s place. That does mean you’ll have to put in your InventoryUI again.

thanks, I fixed it by adding event system

LOL, then there’s the event system. That actually should have occurred to me when it was on a by scene basis. I like to put the Event System into the Core prefab, and then I’m guaranteed to always have it.

yeah, I implementing inventory in my own game so sometimes things go missing :smiley:

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