Script for SetStartVolume dosen't work

Hey! i got a problem with the code, all is right i have build it and made a GameObejct for it as in the video but when i set volume to lower and press back it goes back to normal when start screen loading again. It would be nice if someone could help me. :slight_smile:

Did you figure it out yet?
I have the exact same problem…

Can you check your menu volume slider is set to return a range between 0 and 1 by default I think it does 0 to 10 but the playerPrefs is expecting a number <=1 so it ignores anything larger and causes this kind of issue.

Thanks for the reply!

I figured it out!
for some reason i couldn’t see that the problem was that Ben uses “SetVolume” in his script, refferencing to the MusicManager, whilst i called that method “ChangeVolume” :sweat_smile: silly me

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I have a feeling that this is one of the changes Ben has been talking about. I have just done the SetStartVolume script, and for the life of me couldn’t work out while SetVolume couldn’t be found. Then i saw your note, and checked my music manager, and that also has ChangeVolume. We must either be “two minds” or the original video had ChangeVolume too.

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