Script autocomplete not functioning

Help. I just created the “RotateCamera” script. But when I start to type “transform” as in transform.velocity, the re is no autocomplete. And after the dot, there is no velocity option. So I have to type out the full work and hope I did not mispell anything. But if I swap over to the BallSpawner script, and type tr, the shortcut for transform and dot velocity appears. I have closed and reopened unity, and even rebooted, but keep getting the error. Why won’t the new script pick work properly?

Ok…I’m getting rather fed up now. Just tried to create a new script “BallLauncher”, and again the autocompletion text is not coming up, just as in when I created RotateCamera script. Nothing I did seemed to work including rebooting. Then without doing anything other than loading the program several days later it just worked. But now the latest script is having the same issue. What am I doing wrong???

Although this is not a solution, I have found a run around. The problem described in the posts above occur when Virtual Studio is used as the script editor. By swapping over to MonoDevelop, the problem goes away. In case anyone reading this has the same problem, you can change to MonoDevelop by clicking on
Edit - Preferences - External Tools - and from the drop down box on External Script Editor, select MonoDevelop.

If anyone knows if there is a setting that needs to be changed in Visual Studio, so that autocomplete works, please let me know…It always use to work, but now does not!

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