Screenshots of edited Landscapes

Looks really natural and realistic :rofl:
But really nice, you should make it so that you can see it when the game starts :+1:

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this is my landscape:


How did you do that ? i tried to find a way… but decided to continue for now.

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It’s called the “Spline tool”. Found it under the landscape management settings. It lets you use a model/texture as a partial path that you can stretch and loop in a path you specify to build out this sort of continuous trail


Bull Cow Lesson 42 - Editing the Landscape

Just trying to learn how to control the hills and surface textures. Added some primitives to the landscape but couldn’t figure out how to apply texture to the primitives… moving on to the next lesson for now…


Hey guys, I really took inspiration at looking at your screenshots for this game, and also took inspiration on the paths and the mountains. So to add something new, I have some cows conversing and standing on trees.


I’ll call it, spiky hills, I know, so original :ok_hand:


Damn, Now that’s exotic!

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Moved the Starting point a bit and changed the skylight, I think it looks neat for the start.


Here are my screenshots of my edited landscape.
I played around with the different sculpting brushes and made a nice mountainous region.

I also extended the path, threw down some sand, and added more trees. I also enlarged the trees so it felt less empty.


I wonder where the white and dark brown spots in the grass do come from?


Hey everybody!

First thing I’d like to thank the authors of the course, they really made me inspired with these simple but yet very cool challenges!

So I spent this evening by building a small Bull Cow town.

Here what I’ve got so far.

First, I decided that the Bull Cow Society definitely needs places to hang out:

Don’t ask me why these guys hang out in a corral. There is a much better place:

This is the favorite place to hang out among all the Bull Cow cows.
(basic landscape editing + a box with the water shader from the StarterContent pack).

Life in Bull Cow can also get really tough:


That’s all at the moment. Definitely had fun making this. Hope you have fun as well!


Looks like the road buliders forgot about the mountain.


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You all have have amazing landscapes!

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I played a bit with some tools, used the foliages as bushes, and worked a bit on one end of the road


I didn’t deviate too much another than add some different textures. I was trying to get a lake going, but didn’t know how to add the color blue without making the entire landscape that texture so that’s why its stone for now. I add more later.

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Not sure if this is considered a word game anymore due to this layout.

Somewhat overhead view:

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Didn’t do much to the landscape, spent most of my time adding the fences to the mountain path I made.


I love all the edited landscapes! You guys are all really creative!


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