Screenshot of my game

My Game is about working the night shift in a Washing Saloon called “Wash & Go”.
One night you find out, you can travel to all kind of worlds through the machines.

Well the idea came to me at 3 AM, so don’t judge :joy:

Also…I really don’t know what’s wrong with my text… words are lying one over another, but only on this page :face_with_monocle:


Hi Steffi,

You were up at 3am and thinking about washing machines… nope, no judging, perfectly normal :wink:

Regarding the text issue, could be some setting on the word wrap perhaps, as it seems to occur only at the start of a new line. Another thought, there aren’t two UI Text objects here with different settings and they are perhaps overlapping?

Happy to take a look if you want to zip up your project files and share them.

The forum will allow uploads of up to 10MB, if your project files (zipped) are larger than that you would need to use a service such as Google Drive or Dropbox, and then share the URL.

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Thanks for the help Rob :slight_smile:
This course is really great so far by the way :star_struck:

I solved the problem :tada:

It was a Return char at the end of the line I got into my text cause of copy & paste. It wasn’t visible but I noticed my cursor hit something. After deleting it everything is fine now :smiley:

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You’re very welcome and I’m glad you are enjoying the course.

Ooh, one of those sneaky invisible characters, hate those, great spot though, that’s one of those things which could drive someone mad trying to workout what was going on!

Very clever, love that the font is all shirts haha. Good job!

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