Screen space reflections is being applied to all surfaces

I’m following Grant Abbitt’s lighthouse tutorial and when turning screen pace reflections, the surface of my objects all become reflective. Doesn’t change if I turn up the roughness of the material. Please help :slight_smile: Last picture is what is looks like in rendered mode (still has the lighthouse reflection on the rocks).


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Maybe share a screenshot of your material setup etc. Not entirely sure what’s going on

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Hi Gordon, here’s my material setup. It’s all the default settings, I just changed the base color.

I can get rid of the reflections on the rock if I turn down the specular setting to 0 (specular default - 0.500) but I would prefer to figure out what the problem is before changing the default settings.

And here are the settings that have been changed in the render properties. And how it looks without and with screen space reflections turned on.





I’m not exactly sure about the science of it. But I think turning on Refraction in Render Properties and on the rock material will fix this.

Render Properties:




Reflection is basically bouncing the light back and refraction goes through the material and makes the light bounce in different directions. Hope this helps!

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What Blender version are you using? Only there are some extra bits in the BSDF That are not in mine.
I just wonder if it is a bug in a latest release.

Mine 3.3.1, does not reflect like that with the settings the same.

If some random file bug one test is to open a new file and append in all the models then look at it. This ‘can’ bypass a bug in the original file.


Screen shots can also be done in Blender, via the 'Window’ menu bar top left-hand side. Select ‘Save screenshot’.

Also, you are showing us the Eevee workspace screen shots.
How about when you render stuff … f12


@Gordon I’ve tried what you suggested. I selected refraction in the Render properties, nothing happens at first. Then when I go to my rock Material Properties and select Screen space refraction, the weird reflections on the rock disappear but the reflection of the rock on the water disappears as well. I really don’t know what’s happening since I’m following the tutorial word for word. But thanks for trying to figure out the problem! :slight_smile:

@NP5 When I saw your response, I thought you might be right. I’m currently using 3.4.0 and I just downloaded the last version 3.4.1 to see if it was a bug in my version of Blender. Unfortunately, the problem persists :frowning: Is there a way to download an older version of Blender?

@FedPete The 3rd picture I included in my first post is what it looked like in Render mode (Eevee). Same reflection of the fort on the rock with f12.

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All of them are available.

Try the 3.3. then at least we can rule out a bug.

Just tried it with Blender 3.3.
Step 1 - add icosphere
Step 2 - add plane (scale it bigger)
Step 3 - add dark blue material on plane (reduce roughness to 0)
Step 4 - add medium grey to icosphere
Step 5 - in render properties, select screen space reflections
Result - weird reflections are back on the rock (in material preview viewport) and reflects the light in rendered viewport)



I give up lol but thanks again for taking the time to help! :slight_smile: I’ll blame it on my old computer and on my non existent graphic card XD I’m still happy with the end results and turning down the specular setting for the material to 0.


Seeing things in the material viewport editor is something else than after generating (f12) rendering an image!!!

In the material viewport, Eevee is used in a basic setup, just to give you a fast preview (quick render)!
Also, as a background (HDRI) illustration, a forest is shown. Which is a default image, just to give you an impression of how things (in a very simple way) are reflected.
This default (HDRI) background image, isn’t available in the final render. Because you, as an artist, must provide your own background (You do that in the WORLD icon tab.

Eevee is build for speed, by default a lot of things are switched off (or simplified). You switch options on and of, which you will learn in the course.


Oh well there is the possibility of non up to date graphics drivers, but not the sort of thing I would expect from it.

Work looks good though!


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