Score Visible In Editor Not Visible In Build (PC Standalone or WebGL)

The Score Text is visible when I play my Block Breaker in the Editor, but when I build it as a PC Standalone or a WebGL the score is not visible. I’ve looked at the Z position to make sure its above/in front of the background and that looks fine. Any thoughts?

Hi Duane,

Maybe there is a NullReferenceException in your browser console. I’d suggest to follow Rob’s instruction.

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2 of the problems I’ve figured out so far…

#1 - The Score Text was behind the background image on the Z-axis. Moved it closer to the camera made it visible over the background image.

#2 - By default it was anchored to the middle so when I ran it outside of the editor where the view was NOT locked to 4:3 the text ended up off screen. I changed the anchor point to upper right and now the Score Text is on the screen. However if I run it at something wider that 4:3 the text floats off to the right of the background. Don’t know if its possible to anchor relative to another object, like the background.

Well done so far. :slight_smile:

Don’t know if its possible to anchor relative to another object, like the background.

It is. What you could try is to set the Render Mode of your Canvas to “World Space”. Make it as large as your background image and place it in front of your other game objects meaning closer to the camera than the rest.

Use the top right anchor and pivot point for your score display.

Hopefully, this works. If it does not, you’ll probably have to write a little script to get the edges of your background image, convert them to screen coordinates and assign them to your display with an offset.

See also:

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Hi Guys,

Has this issue been fully resolved?

If so can you mark the solution or update us please.

Thanks in advance

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