Scaling best practices?

Hi guys!

I’m thoroughly enjoying this course, but on this part, I have to admit I’ve stumbled. (no worries, I’m back on my feet!)

After being severely confused with the many unit conversions from centimeters to Blender Units to proportions and back and forth, I’ve settled with setting my scene to centimeters (unit scale 0.1) - that way, whenever I scale something I can immidiately see if I’m on track or not. Are there any downsides to this approach?

I also note that when Michael rescales the model he does so in object mode, without applying the changes before saving this. Am I right in thinking that can be problematic and that this change is best made in edit mode OR with the changes applied before saving?

Many thanks

Hi, I think is a good way to work, the only problem would be if you append or link a model in different scale. But I really am not an expert dude. I’m trying to make my home, and the unit setted in meters works fine till now. Btw I wish you best of luck with your projects.

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Thank you Nhihil! Best of luck to you too!

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