SC1585 "Member modifier 'protected' must precede the member and type name."

Is there a fix anyone can tell me? I appreciate any working one.

Welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

Are you able to post your code so we can take a look?

It sounds like you’re missing a semi-colon or have something in the wrong order, but we won’t know until we see your code.

the problem came from this specific part of the code.

protected Vector3 InitializePosition()
return default(Vector3);

protected virtual void ResetControlState()

protected virtual bool TweakIfNeeded()
	return false;

protected virtual bool IsTouchCaptured(out Touch capturedTouch)
	capturedTouch = default(Touch);
	return false;

private bool IsTouchInZone(Vector2 touchPosition)
	return false;

protected abstract void TweakControl(Vector2 touchPosition);


protected Vector3 InitializePosition()
return default(Vector3);

this part wasnt in the reply, not sure why.

Can you screenshot the full error message? It will contain a line number in brackets to tell you exactly which line is the problem.

(Edit: Removed initial suggestion, I’m being blind)

ah, well here anyways

Ok, so from that message we can see that the issue is on line 266 – this can be really helpful to narrow down the source of errors! :slight_smile:

Can you screenshot that part of the code? (Not just line 266, but a few lines either side too)

The code you posted above looks fine, so it seems to be something else.


the code i posted above had the error, Now i am pretty sure its a problem with Visual Studio. If ti is a Visual Studio problem, I will find a way to fix it. Thank you for your help tho!

Hmm. Is IsTouchCaptured() line 266? I can’t see anything obvious, so it might be a VS problem.

If you want to private message me the whole file I’d be happy to take a look.

Good luck!

thank you! and line 266 is “protected Vector3 InitializePosition()”

Sorry for not getting a better image.

Ah, the problem is probably above that then. :slight_smile: Happy to check if you want to post the lines above.

I see. Thanks for your help anyways!

No problem. My advice would be to check the method above InitializePosition(), this error is normally caused by a semi-colon or missing bracket.

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