Saying hi and showing first scene

My first scene…was too blah, so I messed around with textures and materials. I do have some experience with 3D Max back in the day and Maya.

I spent untold amounts of dollars on getting a degree in Video Game Art and Design…quite a few years later I’ve found Ben and these lads’ courses and this is definitely money well spent. I look forward to doing and sharing more.

About me: married, 4 kids, good job, but probably not ultimately what I want to do as a career, so I’m trying to learn programming and see where that takes me. Starting out learning C# and Unity and I’ll branch out from there (maybe C++, Unreal, etc). Currently living in North Carolina in the US.


Forgot to give credits - street texture is from here. I do not own the copyright, but I am not profiting from using it. Here’s the link

The sidewalk texture is from here - same legal disclaimers.

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Keep going
I belive that you can get better so quickly

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