Save the prefab!

Wow, twice in this one episode I spent time debugging my stuff because it wasn’t working… only to figure out 15ish minutes later that I just hadn’t saved the changed prefab.

argh. :sneezing_face:

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I tend to have the autosave checkbox checked. People say you shouldn’t (and there has been one time when I wished it wasn’t) but in general it works for me


I’m quickly learning that, as a lock-step process, applying all prefab changes is just as important as resetting the transform. Like, I have to remind myself to do it every single time and to not forget.

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This is why I always make my edits in Prefab Mode by Clicking the Open Button. This way my edits are saved (either automatically or by clicking the save button). I know it’s an extra step at the beginning but it saves me in the long run of hunting down that pesky issue of hunting down that I forgot to apply my changes to the prefab.

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