Save scene before renaming and relaodinggggg ahh

maybe i will same you some heartache :stuck_out_tongue:


@Cute Iā€™ve did this before in the Project Boost section. It was easy to rebuild but unfortunately this level is harder to build again.
At least youā€™ll never forget this anymore. Because youā€™ve set true DontForgettoSaveBeforeRenamingScenes script in your mindā€™s component.


Saving often in small increments is almost always a good idea and especially if youā€™re about to wiggle at some fundamental details of the gameā€™s structure.
Another good thing to do is to commit small steps into git (or whatever tool you use for tracking changes in your code).

And hereā€™s the dilemma:

  • You can rename it from within Unity and Unity will track of things to adjust (like the Sceneā€™s name was updated in the project build configuration), but this might bypass gitā€™s methods of keeping track of the scene (it wouldnā€™t know that the new files are still the same scene, just renamed).
  • Or you do the renaming outside Unity with something like ā€œgit mvā€ and risk the project breaking if a reference doesnā€™t match anymore (most of the time the reference will be an internal ID and not the name so it should continue to work, or things could get really out of control, if a naming property was set that doesnā€™t match the file name anymore and Unity might get confused; and thereā€™s another issue about this: If you rename the Scene-file there is a second ā€œmetaā€ file and that has to be renamed as wellā€¦)

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