SandBox Obstacle

The stairs actually revealed an issue with the animation. Ethan seems to jump everytime he walks up or down a step.


Hi Tyler

Ethan seems to jump everytime he walks up or down a step.

Long term, this may not matter as you’ll probably want to swap out the Ethan model and animations for something else, but to give you an indication as to the why of the problem.

Ethan has a little raycast that comes out of his feet (effectively), it’s used to check the distance between his feet and the ground. If the distance is above a specific value he is deemed to be falling, so the animation updates and you see the “I’m riding a horse/motorbike” pose. There are a few workarounds for this but as I said, long term you’ll invariably be swapping him out for something else anyway, so I wouldn’t worry too much at the moment.

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Thanks for clarifying this behaviour. I know very little about 3D modelling and animation so it is always cool to know more about how others have implemented it such as in Ethan.

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You’re very welcome Tyler.

There are numerous posts and suggestions as to how to fix it on the forum, people have a tried a few things, some of these fixes only worked in certain situations. I recall posting a lengthy how to on here myself, but at the end of the day it’s probably best to factor in how much time you want to spend on it.

For example, there may be other things you could do which wouldn’t take as much time which could help, you may find just lowering the height of your steps (and adding a few more to compensate) helps.

I should probably also clarify, I stated that “Ethan has a little raycast”, it is not the model that does this, its the scripts which are attached, from memory the character controller script. So, even if you were to use different models, you may find this is also an issue.

At this stage, whilst you are prototyping your levels and so on it probably doesn’t really matter too much, it looks a bit odd but you may find investing your time (at this stage) on creating interesting levels, stories and thinking about the game as a whole more enjoyable. You can then return to the issue of Ethan (or whoever else) riding his invisible motorbike when you’re ready :slight_smile:

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