Sand Desert

My version of the desert


So that’s how my country is being showed in the american movies (I’m Egyptian)

No, just a random desert. There is no pyramid, so it can’t be Egypt :nerd_face:

And now I want to add a pyramid. In addition, should be good practice combining sand and masonry materials. :thinking:


I absolutetly love the camels. Well done :slight_smile:

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They just don’t show the pyramids in the most movies, that’s the joke

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Nice scene, and well done making the wild camels. Now it needs an oasis!

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@Euphoria Thanks. Grant Abbitt’s lessons on low poly animals is the best!
@NP5 They a wild because I was a little lazy, and didn’t make Bedouin :rofl:
@osaifos1 Or they insert them thoughtlessly. There was a video “An Egyptologist watches the movie The Mummy.” In the first minute of viewing, “but you can’t see the pyramid from here!!”

Still, I added pyramid. and some palm tree as hint on oasis.

If I make another desert, I will make the dunes larger and lower. Now this hilliness seems unnatural.


can you write my name on top of the pyramid, I contacted my president to do it but he kinda ignored me

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We must certainly correct this injustice!

I had to turn off the displacement in the pyramid material; after cutting out the inscription, the masonry pattern was distorted


Haha thats awesome.

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That’s Awesome man, you made my day wow, did not expect it

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