Sanbox issue in zombie runner

as you can see all the prefabs are pink in color, even when materials are attached on it.

in the material different color is present but pink is coming on the top.
Can you help me with this? and this pink land in the bottom, i am not able to give any material to it, if I apply any material then the white land sourrounding that pink land gets changed, why is this so and help me change the pink colored land as well.

Hi Ayush1,

Where did you get these materials? Or did you create them yourself? Were the materials always pink or did you see the expected materials in the scene? If the latter, what did you do before they became pink?

It looks like you are using URP shaders. Is your project using the built in render pipeline? The pink color is Unity’s way of telling you that the render pipeline and the material shaders do not match. There is a converter tool under Windows> Rendering>Render Pipeline Converter.

Hi Nina,
I imported this “StarterAssets - FirstPerson | Updates in new CharacterController package” from the Unity Asset Store and done same the process which was described in the video number “151. Warning:Unity Standard Assets” of the Complete C# Unity game developer 3d Udemy Cousre.

Hi @edc237,
I am new to Game development, I don’t have much idea about render pipeline, what I did was just imported one Standard Asset from Unity Asset Store in the project.

Here’s the screenshot, if it may help to figure out something.

I just opened this in my unity project

From what we see in your screenshots, the materials seem to belong to the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). If these are the materials you want to use, I would suggest to change the current render pipeline in your project to the Universal Render Pipeline:

If you check the “Overview” of the “StarterAssets - First Person” asset, you’ll notice that they are not compatible with the built-in render pipeline in Unity 2022. If your current project uses a different render pipeline than URP, that might be the problem.

Bookmark edc237’s comment anyway in case you have to convert shaders for the built-in render pipeline to the URP.

Thankyou @Nina and @edc237 for help, now the URP is correct and the materials are also showing in the correct form.

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I dragged the environment prefab under the prefab folder on the Hierarchy window and this is how it is showing.

I have a small doubt, when I will modify my platform and make the scene/level according to my ideas then do I need to drag other prefabs from the above specified screenshot folder(prefab folder) or I have to make a new land from scratch from the model folder given below and use it’s prefabs?

Use the prefabs from the first screen shot. The models are just the shape, the prefabs are the version that is ready to be used in the scene. You can change the sandbox you have or make a new scene and start from scratch. Doing both would be good practice for you. When I was first learning Unity, I changed my sandbox many times. Repetition with the basic functions will make following the lectures easier. And it is fun!

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