Same As Lerp!

The FInterpTo() function is being the same as the Lerp() function,
it’s not ending at a finite value. So which one should we use?

And for extra information, is there any other method we can use for it?
Which was the method we used in the old building escape?

FInterpTo seams like it’s the better choice in this instance since it’ll take in the DeltaTime to determine its output. Lerp (lineral interpolation) is just a general function that’s used in game development and probably why the instructors chose to go with it so there’s nothing wrong with using it either.

As for the original course, they used a Blueprint Timeline to animate it. With the remake, they’re doing their best to stay away from blueprints.

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Well specifically it’s the way the rotation was coded that Lerp had that easing effect.

In the case of Lerp it will never actually fully reach the target but will come really close to the point where it won’t be noticable. This is similar to constantly halving a number. you will get close to 0 but never reach it.

So if you want the easing effect use FInterpTo otherwise use FInterpConstantTo.


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