S6-172 Ice Dungeon (Modular Dungeon)

This was my favorite lesson until now. This is one of things that I was eager to do when I decided to learn blender, so I spent the whole week having fun with this dungeon. Since Zelda Link to the Past, I love ice themed dungeons, so it was very cool to build my own.
My dungeon is totally NOT optimized for games. I’m not worried with performance at the moment, I just want to focus on shapes and colors for design ideas. But I found very interesting the methods shown on the lessons, like coloring things with a color grid.

I recorded a 40 seconds video walking inside the dungeon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ixPmtEtnK4

And here are some shots of my dungeon.


Very nice icy dungeon indeed.


Awesome, love the style of your dungeon. Clearly you’ve put into much effort making this. I want to mention couple things though: I think you made the walls out of too saturated and colorful bricks, it’s way too much for the eyes. Don’t know where to focus, a lot of information to process. I’d make the walls less saturated but keep the gates as they are, so the scene gets more readable. Also would change the light of the torches to a colder, blueish/whitish one, to get the igloo vibe (like in the last render, where is only 2 torches, so the amount of the warm light isn’t that decisive). Anyway, it is a really great and decent project, so congrats! :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for the feedback, Attila! You are right. Actually, I was in doubt about the color of my walls, I really tend to exagerate on the saturation. I ended up leaving them as they are, but I guess it would be better to dessaturate a little.
These exercises from the course are my very first experience lighting 3D scenes; I never managed do it before Blender. And now I get so excited with how easy is to set up lights, that I can’t help but to exagerate XD
I’ll probabilly get more sober with my colors as I get more experienced. Thanks for the comment, dude!


Great work of architectural design!

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That’s great! I didn’t know about it. But now I’m on! Thanks for telling me, Pete!

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Very impressive! Keep going :slight_smile:

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