S4 Analysis Paralysis Decision

Before I finish the Blender course I’m working on and start my portfolio, I’m going to have to decide on a specialty within 3D modeling. I would rather not specialize at all, but I would like to maximize my hireablilty.


Once I finish the RPG course project, I am going to have to decide which of my projects I want to work on next. I have to figure out which is the most feasible given my skill and the most likely to get done quickly so I can have a working demo as soon as possible if not a full game. But there’s another decision, a demo or a full game… yeah, I am good at getting stuck in analysis paralysis because I always have the fear of making the wrong decision, which leads to no decision. It’s something that I am working on on a personal level, and a big part of why I am taking the Finish It! course.

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Make a choice and stick with that choice. You will never know what the other choice was. Go all in on the choice you made. It’s always better to make a bunch of smaller demos that allow you to experiment and learn more than making one full game.

Smallest decision chunk is whether to have the collectible eggs on my alien world be from native species or the imported emus that are wreaking havoc on the local ecosystem. I think I will decide by sketching each and then doing a poll to see which one scores higher among potential players - or if they’d prefer I keep both and put them in separate areas of the world map. (If I feel both sketches turn out very nice, I probably will skip ahead to keeping both and placing them in separate environments).

Useful tips:

“Flip a coin. If you don’t like the outcome, choose the other one.” https://treesquirrel84.tumblr.com/post/622140432109993984/executive-dysfunction-is-telling-yourself-for-two

“Tasks can be bundled so that one naturally flows from another” https://earlgraytay.tumblr.com/post/611416053044609024/staticandlove-earlgraytay-ill-probably

“Mental Meatball Surgery - Your mind is weird, sometimes it’s okay to find something off the wall that really, really works for you and just stick to it” https://minus-the-negative.tumblr.com/post/177843064514/therapists-are-just-common-sense-filters-me

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