S1 L12 Recreating a Work Space

Here is what I created using basic meshes I learned from Section 1. I used my workspace as reference and recreated them in blender. Minus the wires haha. Spent 3.5 hours in Blender using only cylinders and cube meshes. Rendered using the Cycle Render.

Overall Scene


Close Ups


Awesome Work, looks really good.

I’m making my desk as well haha I think this might be a common theme. Looks awesome though nice work on the details! Also is that a Wacom?

Thanks guys, and yeah @Evan_Page that’s a wacom :joy:

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Such an amazing work! (@Evan_Page too.) Thanks a lot to you guys. I’m actually a draftsman but my drawings aren’t better than those of my four years old daughter (she’s really so much better!). But I really have this idea since a couple of months to connect my love for pen&paper rpg (e.g. Call of Cthulu) with the wish to improve my drawings.

My dream is to create my own visions of places and creatures in the game and to share it with my players.
I’m creative in mind, but I have two left hands (what wouldn’t be bad when I would be left-handed… unfortunatly I’m not).

What I’m going to tell you: Your works motivate me to deeply hang in. And again: Thanks a lot! And thanks to Michael, who always wants us to share our work. I did not, but this could change too. And I was curious about what others did for this challange.

Oh… and sorry for my bad english. I bet I did some mistakes… still learning :wink:


Always staying motivated and never giving up is the right mind set. There a many people out there that gained new skills later than earlier, but the effort you put in will always have an outcome. Many resources out there on the internet, use everything available to you and never set limits on your abilities. Every legend did not start as a legend, they became a legend.

Best of luck to you!


Thank you! Yes, you’re right.

Best of luck to you too!

@CakeFace have you used Sketchup before? It’s really good for quickly throwing together simple floorplans etc and you can export to 2D and 3D. It’s also extremely easy to use once you know how to control it. Nowhere near as powerful as Blender in terms of modelling but for drafting and basic mapping it might be worth checking out.

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Thanks for this note @Evan_Page. I’m downloading.

Guess what: one of my colleagues is lerning blender too. He startet years before and had to pause for over a year. He startet again lerning yesterday. We’ll see how this will effect my own lerning.

WoW looks awesome! I thought I will take it to a serious level like this with my extra work, but I am far from it!! :smiley: :smiley:

I am speechless! Another brilliant work. You guys take the challenge really seriosly.

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