S02L37 - Where do you want to export to?

Where do you want to export your next model to?
I want export to Unity 3D, in the very future export to 3D printer.
I’m willing know about unwrapping in special complicated models, texturing, how bake high poly meshes as textures and import in low poly models in unity, I’m willing know how animate characters and import such animations into different states in unity 3d, I also want know if there is any kind of python scripting/blender plugin that can be implemented as Houdini, for procedural and dynamic asset of objects, example of this you create a bridge of 10 meters long, Houdini permit you can customize in unity since 3-1000meters, adding or removing the needed part of geometry to accomplish.
And finally, what about create from blender games itself, what you geek guys can share with us?

I want so say, with this course I started to create 1000% more stuff than ever, due is very good guided and the challenges forces you to practice, as Mike said, we need practice in order can really perform in blender.

Thanks for your time, you guys are awesome, I very glad have you in my path.

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