S:2 L:28 Mayan Pyramid Challange

Shortcuts made the basic shape simple and quick with just clicking I, enter, E, 1, Enter and repeat.

Then just scaled in the edges of each step to give it a similar lean to the picture as well as giving the edges a slight curve to match the reference picture that was given


The bevel on the edges looks really nice. :slight_smile:

this looks great.

How did you “Give the edges a slight curve”?

@Roy_Borglund Thanks. To get the curve you need to give it a bevel, basically you’ll need to select the edge that you want to bevel and then go into Mesh, Edge and then bevel or hit CTRL + B and drag outwards until you get the right curve you want.

also use the scroll wheel to add extra edges to make the curve rounder.

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Awesome. I will try that. Thanks!

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