Run Boy Run! An Endless runner


I finished my endless runner game today.

My blog

You can play the game here:Link to my endless runner game

Reached my winter season goal of 1 game in 1 week or 2 weeks.

Well done!

Ooooh, this was good fun to play… well done on reaching your goal @Moinuddin_Ahmed.

Two minor things I spotted, you’re probably already aware of them…

  • there’s a little graphical blip on the zombie spites when they animate across the screen, it looks like perhaps when slicing a sprite sheet a bit of the image above got caught
  • when I miss jump and end up in front of a zombie there is no way I can jump over them, I get pushed off the screen, despite trying - I can’t save myself

I took great delight in standing on tables looking like a bad-ass Ninja. Well done, it’s a fun game that made me want to play it again, and again because I needed to beat my previous score :slight_smile:

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Hey thanks

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You are very welcome - thank you for letting us play your game :slight_smile:

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