It’s been some time since I’ve given an update to my RPG game. Here is a list of some of the features I’ve been able to implement into the game:
- Inventory System - Scrollable list vs click and grab concept because I’m using gamepad/keyboard and won’t have mouse functionality. Two types of inventories are used - consumable items and equipment (weapons, armor, accessories). Some weapons will be unique to a character and the interface knows which can be used by a character and which can’t. Also a pickup capability has been included so the player can add items or equipment whenever found.
- Shop System - Can buy or sell items and equipment. Two types of merchants are in the game - shopkeeper manages consumable items and armorer manages equipment. Money system in place to handle transactions.
- Dialogue System - Two types of dialogue are available within the game. Some dialogue will be full screen animated using DOTween and some dialogue will be in-screen text box. If the dialogue is being used by a shopkeeper or armorer, there are options available within the dialogue to drive the shop system.
- Audio System - Unique tracks for each scene as well as each combat area are implemented. Used animation events to handle footsteps, certain weapon strikes, and player/enemy damage noises. If a particle effect is used, I just attached a sound effect to the particle effect and let it manage the sound.
Sorry this is a long preview but lots of things to show. This is still in sandbox development - stand-in characters and environments - but I’m really trying to get the mechanics and programming down before tackling modelling.