RPG_Project: ”Quarantine”

So, im doing the RPG course (Scene Management is now current section).

The knights theme seemed very boring to me, so i decided to do something relevant :slight_smile:

Please let me know if you are interested so that i update the progress here.

Best regards


I love it! An RPG doesn’t have to be set in Medieval lands with swords and dragons to be fun to play.

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Haha that was so cool to watch. Something different, other than swords and magic.

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The great part of Animator Override Controller that you can override not only attack animation :slight_smile:

Here is a double axe spawn code for Weapon.cs, i think this concept is more flexible

 public void Spawn(Transform rightHand, Transform leftHand, Animator animator)
     if (rightHandPrefab != null) Instantiate(rightHandPrefab, rightHand);
     if (leftHandPrefab != null) Instantiate(leftHandPrefab, leftHand);
     if (overrideController != null) animator.runtimeAnimatorController = overrideController;

Best regards


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