RPG-Project: "Essential Urge"

Project “Essential Urge” 1-Page GDD
Magic Comes Within

Genre: 3rd Person Fixed Camera RPG
Target Audience: M for Mature
Controls: Mouse and keyboard, controller
Thematic Setting: Fantasy / Furry / Post-apoc - alchemy, magic, puzzles / Silly sex
Tech Stack: Unity 5+, Blender, Gimp, Audacity
Platform(s): PC, Stand-alone
Game Moment: Exploring an alien environment and uncovering a deeper mystery in the narrative.

Game Summary: An exploration and puzzle-solving game in which the main character comes to realize that the world and all of history is an illusion, and sets out on a mission to discover the origin of paranormal events, and why nobody seems to notice them occurring. … plus adult situations, because let’s be silly.

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