RPG progress - Quests and Dialogue UI

Just finished the 3rd section of the RPG project, figured I might as well post a picture :slight_smile:


Damn, I have a lot of questions… like how did you design the UI to look this good? Big fan of the design and layout tbh (Espeically the Layout, I still need to re-organize mine)

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Glad you liked it!
Pretty much followed the process from the videos, just used some other games as references.

My current ref board, for reference :joy:
Screenshot 2023-09-11 204139

Made the borders and slots in photoshop, sliced it with the sprite editor tool in unity and used the sliced tiling for all the elements, just put it as image with Layout Element > Ignore Layout and then lowered opacity.

The texture itself is a rock texture roughness map that I borrowed from some texture site (textures.com maybe? not sure), which I did the same (ignore layout, low opacity).

The images that are used as backgrounds for Character/Inventory I generated with Stable Diffusion, I plan to add similar images for other elements in the future.

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