RPG course feedback

I didn’t see an obvious place to put this, so I thought I’d just plonk it here.

This is just a simple note to say how much fun I had doing the RPG course, and how much I learned. It sounds like this course has been on quite a journey. Nailing ‘intermediate’ is really tough, but for me it just about hit the spot the whole time. Plenty of new concepts in here, and plenty of new Unity functionality that I didn’t encounter in the other gamedev courses I’ve done. It gave me what I wanted. Plus LOTS of code that I can copy when I do my own projects, and inevitably fail to remember exactly how Sam or Rick did it.
Brian was a really helpful TA, as well.
Full disclosure: I miiiiiiiight have just skipped some of the polish lectures at the end. Yeah.

So, er, yeah. Well done! I’m looking forward to the inventory and quest chain modules. After a bit of a break, though.


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