Roughness map in the Unity (URP / Built-in) standard shaders

What Rick is doing here doesn’t look quite right (other than the hot fix using the Autodesk shader). The Unity documentation states that smoothness is sampled from the alpha channel of either albedo or metallic (can be selected in the shader as a drop down).

How can we invert our roughness map to a smoothness map and then bake it as alpha channel into one of our other maps?

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Are you in the right forum?

It’s a response to the last part of the Orc character modelling course, where the model gets importet into Unity. The way shown of assigning textures doesn’t actually work. However, I found a way of combining the roughness map with the metallic or the albedo with GIMP (which is free). It probably works in a similar way with PS. GIMP also has the option to invert colours, so it will be a smoothness map (which is required by the Unity standard shaders).


It is a known fact that 3D modeling software and 3D game software do things in different ways. There is no one-to-one migration path. Especially how different software packages specify the way of material. It is true that they use the same parameters, but the way in which they are used often differs.
For Blender Z-axis is vertical, in game engines it is Y-axis. So many differences.

For Blender, Eevee is the best way to get to grips with game development.


I am aware that there are differences, Rick even explains some in the lesson. What is being shown is still objectively wrong in a way that maps we created in the former lessons are not even used (roughness map), even though Grant mentions that we are preparing everything for Unity. The missing info is that the roughness map needs to go into the alpha channel of one of the other texture maps.

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