Rotation issue in packaged builds

I am encountering an issue where in packaged builds only, something is eventually stopping the rotation of my camera. When playing in the editor everything works exactly like I expect (and want) it to. I have captured a short video demonstrating the problem.

Notice how when playing in the editor I am able to orbit the tank in full 360 degrees. This is the desired behavior (I unticked the ‘Do Collision Test’ on the spring arm because I thought the arm may be colliding with something). As you can see when using a packaged build, the camera stops rotating at certain points.

I am not sure where to begin tracking this down aside from cooking content, and re-implementing this code in c++ where I can more closely replicate the packaged environment with a debug game build.

I have created an imgur gallery with screenshots of my input blueprint, the springarm settings, and the camera’s settings. It can be found here:

Thanks for any advice.

TL/DR I skipped ahead a bit on my main menu and only did half the work getting mouse input switched back over from menu mode -> game mode.

I tracked this down finally. I thought i would type up how I ended up sorting this out. It was fairly simple in the end.

In an effort to try to get some visibility into what was going on I added an onscreen log statement consisting of the GameTimeSinceStart and the delta coming in from the axis. I was surprised to find that when the camera stopped moving the delta was zero. I performed a quick google search of ‘ue4 mouse axis stops sending’ and found a post that mentioned working with UMG that you may need to call the SetInputModeGameOnly function.

Presumably this is covered in an upcoming video, but I figured I would follow up to this for future googlers.

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