Rotating legs for pose as well as arms? Squating Dragon

Hi there,

At 32 minutes in, Grant rotates the arm so it doesn’t touch the body.

What about the legs? I think I’ll have a problem with the leg, if I don’t do the same as with the arm, because my dragon is squating a little.

On a side note I think I’ll also have to move the leg/body a bit, ad not follow the drawing exactly, because else the attachement point of the leg will look weird - it should probably be a bit further up the body.

What do you think? I would like some advice on my dragon legs :slight_smile:


I think it is reasonable as it is. I might just angle the leg out so the feet are wider apart. But not too much. You can set the cursor as a pivot point and select the leg sections to do that.

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Normally figures are developed in T- or A-shaped poses. The reason is to have better access to the model when sculpting etc.
After this process, an armature (a rig) is added. With this you can pose your model in any position

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