Rope on objects

Hi guys, I’m just wondering how I should approach doing rope for this game asset

stone spear;

The tutorials I’ve found online seem to use a lot of vericies to create highly detailed rope geomtry using a variety of modifiers I’m not familiar with.

here a google image showing what I’m trying to do (for clarity)


Can’t remember if it’s allowed (to post links that is) but this is similar to what I’ve found on youtube regarding rope.

seems like overkill on the vert count for a game asset, I’m wondering how you guys would approach this?

As for motivation, I’ve been putting the course on hold since I’ve completed the Dinosaur part, but I tihnk tomorrow I will continue on with the next part. Maybe I wont get stuck if I keep on with the courses.

Anyway any comments appreciated :slight_smile:


ps, also not sure how to do the rope for my bow maybe I need to get through the animation part of the course for that I dunno.


It all depends on how you are using this asset!

  • Are you going for realism or cartoon, or something else
  • at a very close (detailed) range you need a high poly
  • far away low poly or even a bitmap.

To have an option for everything means creating a high poly model and then extracting from this multiple low poly versions. Depending on the level of detail you need (called LOD). Which can be done using the multires modifier.

In games, everything is about efficiency!
Say a game engine can handle 10K on faces (triangles), you need to manage which object used an amount of the total faces to look believable in the style chosen.
So before starting to design 3D assets, you need to plan ahead on how to use them.

I would say don’t bother about this at your stage of learning. Try to learn the process of game development. 3D is a small part of a complete game development roadmap.


If it is specifically for games then making the rope properly may be way overkill. You could just make a ‘blob’ of low vert count and paint the rope look on for example.

It is a standard ‘it depends’ issue.

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I think something like this may be what I go for tbh. Never painted a model before, I’ll put it off for a while and come back to it when I’m more familiar with blender :slight_smile:



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