
Updated Lighting

That spot lighting is nice. I’ve done several alternatives with lighting, but much more needed.

Thanks. It didn’t really look that good until I made another sealed room on the other side of the door to block out the sun. Gonna have the game start out in a basement. Last night I was thinking about it though, and there’s probably a way to make a volume that occludes outside lighting. would get rid of that bleed on the edges too probably and be less of a resource hog than stacking extra walls in front of walls

I have sort of the same problem.

Been trying to get the outside light to be night time, but I can’t get it to get dark. It’s kind of driving me mad, since one of my ideas involve having windows in the rooms so you can (and sometimes have to) look outside.

But hopefully I will have more time to google this soon, because I’m pretty sure Unreal also can make night time maps. :slight_smile:

click the outside lights and mess with them

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