Rook Scale issue

Hello, I am having issues using the mirror modifier and scaling. I am trying to get a uniform sale but for whatever reason it scales more than the other on one axis.

Thank you

You have been caught by the same thing that caught me out the first time i made the knight in this cae.
Your reference image in on a different orientation to the model and so its doing this on the wrong axis compared to the way you think its facing.
Turn the image around to lie on the X axis and you should not have any more issues :slight_smile:

I’m curious how the reference image placement has any effect on the how the model itself scales? It seems to me that the top of this rook should scale the same way regardless of its (or the reference image’s).

I tried rotating and it did the same thing. I’m not sure what’s causing this. You can see it only happens in the mirror modifier. I also rotated the reference image and the model 90 deg…no help.

Can you upload the blend file to google drive or drop box and psot the link here.

Thanks in advance

By default your pivot point (and scale origin) is set to Median Point. When you mirror, you’re effectively moving your median point off of the original axis (because you got rid of half of your geometry)… so when using a Mirror, you need to rather pivot around your 3D cursor instead.

Then you need to mesh->snap->cursor to selected and set the cursor’s X-coordinate to 0 in the side panel, under the view tab .

Would be nice if the median pivot was aware of the mirror modifier, but it’s not.

Good luck!

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