Rook Challenge

So I made my rook, I forgot at the last minute to use my bishop or queen to make the base but at least I made it with the low poly base constant. So here it is! Any feedback is appreciated.

Rook Finished


You are doing a great job with these challenges

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Looks good. However could you not get rid of the small faces on the tips? Just make it one face on the angle, and no extra geometry on the sides of the tip? If the slight curve is important to your design then no, and that is fine.

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Good suggestion! But I decided to bevel those edges because the reference I was using had the same curves, I tried going into a low poly and just make and edge and move it but in my opinion it didn’t look good, so I added the new geometry.

Here is the rook in question, now that I see it again I just saw that I forgot to add A little detail… But let’s just say that I tried to do my own design this time :smiley:


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