Rockettopus Dive

The Rockettopus is finally ready for action! Made for both aeronautical and deep-sea traversal, this new class of vehicle can seamlessly move from sky to sea and vice versa!
Do you have what it takes to master both air and water?

Some say the Rockettopus looks like a jellyfish. Just don’t tell that to its designer, he’s quite insistent that the octopus was the one and only inspiration.

I had fun giving this game its identity. The concept is kinda silly, but it did lead to the cool idea of traveling between air and water.

That said, any feedback would be appreciated, especially on difficulty or overall fun factor.

– A Quick How-to-Play –

  • Spacebar to boost.
  • “A” to rotate left.
  • “D” to rotate right.
  • Touch the green goal to clear a level. No fancy landings necessary.
  • Avoid any pink/red obstacles along the way.

Great work! I really enjoyed your creativity with the character concept and the challenge of alternating between water and air gameplay. The last level was difficult but not frustratingly so and beating it was quite satisfying. Bonus points for restarting at the current level instead of all the way at the beginning.

The “navigating by your lights” section was an interesting idea but not as effective for me. It wasn’t all that difficult and I’d rather watch my character spinning with a trail of bubbles/rocket fire.

Hey, thanks for the feedback, David! I’m glad to know that you enjoyed the concept and the overall difficulty. I’m sure making players start at level 1 after every death would have driven them up a wall. Haha!
I would probably implement restarting at the first level in a “challenge mode” of sorts though.

Also, I appreciate your honest thoughts on the “navigating by lights” level. Getting a full picture of what my audience values in my work will always be helpful information at the very least.

All in all, thanks again for taking the time to check out my take on Project Boost. Hopefully, I can bring more fun and cool ideas going forth.

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