Rocket Escape! (Project boost)

Here’s my first ‘published’ version of project boost.


Wow you really nailed the level design! I also really liked the tuning of your rocket physics, it felt easy to make the rocket move where I wanted. Just a heads up though, your D key isn’t working to rotate the rocket. The only other suggestion I have would be to consider raising your rockets turning speed. I had a few deaths that could have been avoided if I had been able to rotate quicker. Great work on Project Boost!

Thank you very much for the comments. I can’t believe after commenting on other games that the arrow keys didn’t work, that I didn’t test my ‘right handed’ (A/D) keys.

I fixed the bug, increased the rotation speed a little, and re-posted it to ShareMyGame.

For anyone curious about the bugs:
The bug with the D key was actually my parens () in the code that prevents pressing both keys at once.

And I was having some issues with rotation (and movement) looking ‘jerky’. Slowing the rotation was initially a ‘cheesy’ fix. The real cause appears have been the Cinemachine follow camera. Changing ‘Update Method’ to ‘Fixed Update’ (from ‘Smart Update’) seems to have fixed that.

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Great work on the bug fixes! I did something similar to prevent rotation when pressing both keys at once. my solution was placing this line of code before the rest of the input stuff

         if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { return; } 

I look forward to seeing what else you make :slight_smile:

I really enjoyed your game! It felt pretty balanced - probably FunkCrusader’s feedback also contributed to that. I also like how you made the scenery more “realistic” with half-open trap-doors, half-built rockets lying around, etc.

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Quite an interesting artistic design for your levels, really cool.

Gameplay-wise the game feels nice, it is just a little bit too easy for my taste.

And maybe I’m just nitpicking here, but the scale of things feels off, this doesn’t affect the gameplay but it does feel weird to see a rocket that is a building’s story height and then have it be twice the height of a cardboard box.

Thanks for the feedback! Some of the other versions of ‘Project Boost’ were too hard for me, so I made mine easier. But perhaps too easy? I think the levels should be about twice as big. I agree about the scale. The boxes were actually supposed to be large crates, but I don’t think that comes through. It could definitely have something more to show the scale. After finishing section 4, it might be fun to go back and add a bit more to this game. I originally thought of having people running into the ship, but that’s beyond my abilities at the moment. I’ve been a programmer for decades, but the 3D design and level design is completely new to me.


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