Making a weapon in the RPG game so far
Create a folder Under your weapons named (newWeaponTypeName(s))
for example:
etc… -
Open that folder and right click Create Weapons Make New Weapon name it newWeaponTypeName(1,2,3etc…) now complete the SO list as needed.
Right click in that folder and Create AnimatorOverrideController same name with AnimatorCOntroler at end of it.
Now go to Projectiles folder and create a new folder for this WeaponTypesProjectiles
Create the Empty gameObject Parent in the hierarchy add that Projectile Script to it
Name it newWeaponTypeName(1,2,3…)Prefab and Drag it into that folder just created
Double click it to edit prefab
Add any mesh object like a sword, or bow (adjust after you make a Pickup for new Item)
Create another Empty gameObject Parent in the hierarchy add that WeaponPickup Script to it
Assign new Weapon to it
Name it newWeaponTypeName(1,2,3…)Pickup
Drag it into the Pickups Prefab folder so its prefabbed delete from scene
Put that new Pickup in scene and Pick It Up and pause game to adjust your new weapon
after your happy with the placment on player copy transform
end game mode
Open new prefab and highlight that mesh of the object and Paste Component values
Test all features of the new weapon
Test pickup and placement onto player(character)
Test while (project incomplete)
What did I miss?
I am hoping to have a list(roadmap) like this for the game we are making, it may look like a lot but…
if I have this in my notes for the Objects we are using between unity and C Sharp and how they work together,
When i revisit this project I will have a roadmap…
So, please give it a try and tell me if I missed any steps Thanks in advance…