Road Map for turtorials to see what to watch next

Do you ever not know what tutorial to take next or what in what order for what you want to work with, well with my idea i want to add a tab in their website where it shows a layout of the game engine and art engines and courses to watch for it in what order. like example

link to a brief idea of what i would like to see on my google slide,strong text

People learn at their own paces and ways. Why build these roadmaps that will work some not but not all?

I dont disagree with some of what you said, how ever, roadmaps could definitely be a benefit.
Here is why i believe having them would work well, and where i dont think it applies:

Beginners/new entries:

  • Often have zero experience and not having direction can have them going from course to course with no idea how that affects their learned skill. Jumping around with no foundation doesn’t enhance learning it hinders it.

  • Giving a basic road map of the 1-2-3 steps can increase their awareness of how the pipeline actually works, Its pretty pointless knowing how to make a advanced geometry node tree, if you have never learned how to use blender in a basic efficient way and have basic skills in how to do things in blender. while its possible to do it, that doesnt mean it should be done that way. all that happens is you lack something you need to know in order to make a great performant node tree.

  • general knowledge of how the pipeline actually works from end to end .

  • having debugging skills in areas that might seem unrelated at first but later down the track you will find them related and you can then deal with it.

  • becoming generally more aware of the skills other disciplines have and more aware of the required steps before it gets to your particular job line. This makes you more flexible in industry and more understadning of why you might be waiting on something.

  • gives you skills to jump in and make something completely. because you have identified and learned each step you can go from step 1 to 5 as you learned that from the get go.

I personally know this, because that is precicely how i went about learning houdini. I knew maya, and blender, and skipped through the core principles of it to make a simulation and while my results were fine i knew nothing of how to build it from scratch or what i could do in the event of “some random occuring problem” , it will just result in bad practices like what it did for me, luckily i found a very skilled mentor and resolved my issues and became good at it. but that didnt change the fact that i had bad habit from the get go from skipping things i needed to know because i went out of the recommended order of learning (essentially the pathway). That made my learning take twice as long. this also results in some cases as a bad outcome and disappointed artist that gives up.

Why it wouldn’t work in all situations:

  • some people have existing skills, thats fine, they can skip past the recommended beginner pathway.
  • some people only want a very specific set of skills, thats fine, skip past it.
  • Some people dont learn linearly, again skip past it.

but i see no reason to not add a pathway that relates to a specific task in the pipeline. It will be culture shock to some that have never been in industry and have not got the skills to back up what is required of them, But how do you get those skills? by following a path to that goal.

there is positives to haveing them, theres no suggestion there that makes making these a required path, but having them as a guide line will help increase learner direction and skills as they can see from the get go a predefined path to the goal in which they can reach.
I for one think that this one one of the more core fundamentals that should be added.

but i do agree with you that some people dont learn the same way, infact it is a common thing that schools generalise in how it delivers its contents. But there is no harm in giving people a chance to choose pathways. I for one would love to see a filter option that allows me to search and set up pathways through my purchases. and have recommendations based on what i already own. Im already in industry but i love to learn new things and expand my skill set. im a generalist.

My pathway was far from normal. But it has been very enjoyable.
Learning has not always been easy and guides for it would of been amazing at the time when i wanted to become a houdini artist. Now i am learning more advanced blender, why? because its not maya, im learning unity and unreal, Why becuase it integrates with houdini. my steps will not be the same as yours, but imagine being able to just look that up, find the easiest learning path. i think its a great idea.

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