Rigify weights

Hello, Sorry if this is in the wrong section this is my first post asking a question. I clicked the ask button under the video.

Under the Rigify , editing new rig. Grant says that when you regenerate a rig from the metarig, you have to reparent the generated rig again. Does that mean you would have to weight paint any changes every time you need to tweak the rig? It is fine in this lesson as there isn’t much to edit, but in the future it would be good to know.
I remember 3ds max had a feature that let you save out weight data, does blender have something like this?

Thank you

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It depends on what you mean by “tweak” the rig.

You need to fix the weight paint if:

  • You add or remove a bone

If you re-align, reposition or resize a bone, then:

  • you need to fix probably the weight paint

Vertices are connected to the bones by weighting them relatively to (multiple) bones (the rig). If you change the bone then the bone is still influencing vertices with the same influence (strength), but the movement (rotation) center is shifted, and therefore you probably need to fix vertices weight (paint).


Unsure, but the weight data is just data. But maybe in Blender differently implemented then Studio 3D. And I’m not sure if this is logical. Because the weight paint data is connected to a vertices. So how to reuse a vertices (data) in a different object?

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What I mean is, lets say you spend hours weight painting the body, and realize there is a small problem with the finger bones. Is there a way to save the work and just change those couple of bones? Because I presume parenting with automatic weights is going to override it.

  • You can always save your work in a backup!
  • You can edit (a manual paint) a vertex weight paint group

  • just select a single bone and do an automatic weight paint for that bone. But you need to know also which other bone influencing the same vertices (use those bones too)

No I think it works it all out, just parent the generated rig.

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