Rigid body settings not loading properly

While tuning i have noticed some weird things about the behavior of the player, related to the settings that we setted up for avoiding the snowboarder getting crazy on the flips etc…
Probably is a Unity issue, but it seems that while you are in Play mode and you are not selecting the gameobject that contains the RigidBody2D component in the Hierarchy, the settings are not loading or just sent back to defaults…anyone knows why?
I’m on Unity 2021.3.21f1

Hi Zan,

This sounds like an old bug in Unity where you had to select the player (with the Rigidbody attached) to make the Rigidbody work. However, I only encountered this problem with the Rigidbody component, never with Rigidbody2D. In that game, we had a rocket which refused to fly unless the rocket game object was selected. It has been several years since I had this problem.

What exactly do you mean by “the settings are not loading”? What settings? Does the player otherwise do what you expect it to do? Or doesn’t he move at all?

After some test, seems it takes just the Angular Drag value and it lowers it…not setting to default thou…but still weird…

You didn’t try to change any values while the game was running, did you? If the game runs and you change things and stop the game, all changes will get reverted to the values that were set before you clicked the Play button.

yes i did, everything works as intended aside from that thing…i post the screens of the Rigid Body settings and the script for the player controller if that will be usefull

Try to rename Update to FixedUpdate and play your game again. Something that might be relevant in the future but not now: Do not use Time.deltaTime inside FixedUpdate.

An angular drag of 5 is fairly high. The player will slow down fast.

Yes, was the Update messing stuff, thanks for the help!

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