Rigging Issues

I know my rig isn’t correct but I’m not sure how I’m suppose to rig a character like Stitch? The body seems to be OK but the head is where I run into issues as you can see in the images. How do I fix the bones?


I would advise you to learn more about the basics of bones, rigging, and armatures. Before starting a huge, complex project.

  • Your problems arise because of the wrong placement (influence) of bones.
  • Fix weight painting by hand.
  • Working with vertex groups.
  • Start slow, add only bones where you need to use them. Also, what is your goal? (Posing> Animation?)
  • You can have multiple rigs for facial expressions, leg movement … high low details of the rig.

Al these kinds of issues are not discussed in the lessons.


Rigging is really complex especially when you go off standard human or animal. That is why the course does a basic human shape. To get a hold on what you are trying it needs a whole course from beginner to intermediate on just rigging I suspect. In the real world professionals specialise in just rigging, it is a complex area.


Thank you both, I agree and will look into outside sources. If possible I wanted Stitch to be able to open his mouth to spit acid, and rotate his ears, may the force be with me!


Personally, I think there are too many bones in the ears.
Having an array of 10 bones means the ear is sliced into 10 parts. You need to think about how you want to model the ear and then decide where to place a bone. Same for the head, a circle of bones.
Re-Use or examine the armature of a human (Human Meta Rig in Blender). And look where bones are placed and why! they follow the outlines, not inner axix.

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