Riggify Rig

Hi all!
I am not able to figure out why the Inverse Kinematics bone (in the end of hand) of my Riggify-rig is not in proper direction as in Mr. Grant. Can anyone please help me out?? Here is both the reference pic and my version of it. My thoughts about this error is that we can’t rig (rotate or move) our character in flexible way. Please guide me if I am right or wrong.

Below picture is my file showing the weird direction

Following image shows Mr. Grant IK-direction of Riggify rig.(direction of the bone (riggify-rig) is perfectly in sink with the Orc’s hand)


Think it is related to the bone roll.
It is irritating not being square on but should still work.


I know I’m Really late to this discussion, but here we go: Assuming that you have the hand bones roll set the way you want it and don’t want to adjust that then you can do the following for each bone that is off.

If you are using blender 3.0 or newer you can select the controller, in this case the IK hand or hand bone. Then properties editor->Bone tab->Viewport display panel->under the custom shape object selection box you have a Location, rotation, and scale settings. Just rotate the y axis until it’s positioned the way you wanted.

If you are using blender 2.61 to 2.93 you can come to this same panel and see the name of the custom shape. Find that shape(In layers for 2.61 to 2.79 or WGT collection in 2.80 to 2.93. Note: The collections are removed from view layer[The check box next to the collection name] so make sure to check it, and disabled in viewport[Click filter icon on header->click icon that looks like a monitor.] click the monitor icon next to the collection name) Then select the Mesh object with the name from the custom shape box. Tab into edit mode and rotate it on it’s local Y axis.

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Happy New Year to all!!! Even I am getting into this after a long time coz of some personal reasons. But yes, thank you so much. I will surely give it a try. But now, I have got a big problem. I don’t even know what has happened when I was trying to work out with rendering section. Everything went well, I did all the light settings as been taught, also downloaded the HDRI image. But after saving everything, closed and opened again the file… boom… here it is… corrupted version or what… I don’t know. Can anyone please help me out. Actually I was very happy thinking that I was going to finish this project nicely and step into the next one for practice. But this error, has put me down now. Any helping hand would be very much appreciated.

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When things go pink like that it means Blender cannot find the images where it expects them.
Perhaps you moved them or changed the names of the folders or files? Just navigate back to the images from the node so they know where to look.

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Oh…ok… yes. I changed the folder names for organization purpose yesterday. Thank you so much, now I can understand the reason of this problem. And actually I tried searching solution for this problem and found one too. We can go to file - external data - find missing files, which identified all the missing textures. But still, I cannot figure out why this problem occured in first hand(reason). Thanks for your guidance, got the reason too.


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