Rig won't work

Hi, I have a problem with my model. I can’t make the rig work.
I did everythink as it should be, but when I go to pose mode the rig moves without the mesh. The mesh is not very clean, maybe thats the problem?
I also suspect the vertex groups, but I do not know anything about weight painting at this point.
Help is greatly appreciated.
I would attach the blender file, but I don’t know how.
Also there is a warning, when I open the file… I don’t know what I broke there…

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Did you try doing this

Select Character > Shift Select Armature > Ctrl P (With Automatic Weights) ?

BTW this operation is to be done in Object Mode.

Yes, I did that. It doesn’t work. It does the rigging, but its not moving

It is a security default. Read about it here.


Certainly things that come with Blender like Rigify are likely to be ‘safe’, I suspect any bad stuff would rapidly be reported and dealt with.

Ultimately it has to be your choice though.

I solved the error message by importing the fbx of the tapir into a new project. Still won’t move though. Maybe I am missing something simple.

Why is it an FBX not a blender file?
Did you make the rig? Is it a basic Rigify animal one adapted to this animal?

Blender is coded with the Python language!
With Python, you can do a lot on a computer, and manipulate information for example.
Add-ons downloaded from the web contain also Python code.
But there is no way to validate the Python code intentions.
Maybe it does a neat Blender trick, but also something else. Like Trojan horse …

That is why you get this message, of untrusted Python code. It is disabled by the system.
Only to be activated by a Blender user.

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Which Rig is this?

Can you show me The Object Data Properties? The triangle shape Icon that contains Vertex Group and Shape Keys Information!

@NP5 Hi, yeah, so I made the model, but since the file has this error message I did the next best thing and imported the model into a new one. The rig is the basic quadruped rigify rig, which I changed for my model.

@FedPete thanks! First problem solved; installed phython … What a stupid mistake. I deleted it, because… stupid. -_-

@umishrak this one? The shape keys one is empty…

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Then you are doing something wrong while selecting the character and the bones.

Are you selecting the bones or the IK Symbols ?


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