Rifle materials compilation errors (missing textures)

When I attached the rifle mesh to the BP I noticed that it had the default textures on it. I then went and looked at the rifle materials and noticed that all of them had compilation errors. While it didn’t take me long to fix these errors I think it may be something that needs to be looked at in the resource files.

Just to inform you that Sam never goes in actually hooks it up properly for it. At least in the current lectures. I have tried to go into the shooter game and transfer it over but no matter what I did it never came with the textures. It’s how they have set up the material in the shooter game and I found it so difficult to understand that I wasn’t worth worrying about. I would suggest maybe making your own material to try and make it look nice.

Yeah, I will be looking into this. I think it’s an issue with the 4.25 upgrade.

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