Rick! what is happening? stop this guy!

Most people here, me inclouded, have never writen a code before. and you also said we dont need to have anybackground to do this course.
i really manage to follow and understand everything nicely with Rick.
But when it comes to Gary, this is waayyyyyy out of our level! please switch this part for something simpler.
you did the same thing in the 3d course, where Rick is teaching in a simple and begginer friendly way.
and then Gary comes and start talking to us like we already have a masters degree in coding outside of game developmentā€¦
sorry but this part of the course here and in the 3d one is just a waist of time for me and i believe many others, cus understanding him is impossible at our level and i just find myself coping him without understanding anything.
sorry for the harsh comment but i really like your courses and i wanted this to be fix if possible, and maybe switch this part for something simpler.


If you really want, hunt down the retired versions of the course if you really think itā€™ll help you.

While I think Gary needs to pick up his dad joke game, I think heā€™s awesome.


well he is awesome! his level of knowlage is really impresive as well.
but the problem is, it is way too advance and i saw there are other people here who also write that they had a lot of stragles in this part of the course.
if you never learnd to code it is really impresive that you understand him. but i talk from the average man perspective and it is really hard to follow, sorry.

I agree that Gary does raises the bar a lot during the course, a lot more than Ben back in the day.

I have three suggestions:

  1. Write every single thing you donā€™t understand and post it here, thereā€™ll be plenty of people that will be more than glad to help you learn everything you need.

  2. Pretty much what @MichaelP said. The previous iterations of these courses are more beginner friendly, Ben does get quite technical from time to time, but itā€™s easy to understand because heā€™s very thorough with his explanations.

  3. Do the C++ Fundamentals course, itā€™s awesome and they teach you all the basics. The syntax will be different from that of C#, but the concepts are useful for both languages. Just be warned that if you are not comfortable with math it might throw you off a bit.

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hi Aviv_Rebalsky,

When I read this post, I assumed it is regarding Gary Pettieā€™s section in the Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D right ?

If it is, then on your behalf who targeting no coding platform, best is to treat it as something extra for time being, because there are many good legacy and new software programmers came from none-programming background, they were from background like electronics engineer, sound engineer, music composerā€¦etc.

I went through Garyā€™s sections once, roughly know what it is trying to do ( not in depth programming ) and pick up the programming part ( eg. coroutine ) and thatā€™s it, I donā€™t bother to build a complete Realm Rush game.

I understand your situation, bought something that is not tally with what it advertised. In fact, I am indeed disappointed with GameDev.tv Blender courses always use Mixamo to describe rigging process as what I am looking for is something like THIS.

There is no all-in-one solution Unity course, personally I subscribed many Udemy and Youtube courses, collecting many information piece by piece to form something that I am looking for.

The important part is, the feedback and support from the course Lecturers or Youtubers must be there so at least you are informed, knowing what to do or follow up next.

Hopes, this help.


I get what you are sayingā€¦ I hope you also noticed the other part of my suggestion. Thereā€™s another version of the course that is pretty much all Rick and Ben. Thereā€™s no need to change it.

Most of what was changed is because (from what I noticed) there were significant issues with people understanding and getting through the material.

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@garypettie Pinging you for visibility.

Hi @Aviv_Rebalsky

Can you expand on which parts are you struggling with?
Can you let us know if you feel we have not covered parts before or led into the parts here that are being taught?

If i am right in thinking this relates to the updated realm rush which is a direct update of the original realm rush made by Ben in the older unity course so the logic wont have changed much and students there havent had an issue with the logic.

If you can give us a bit more information on this we can see what we can do to look into it and if the learning journey needs smoothing out with more explanation

Thanks in advance

Edit :- Now aware that this is the Quiz Master section not Realm Rush.

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hey thank you and everyone else who is trying to help.
i really appreciate that there is feedback here and people to talk to.

i am talking about the 2d quiz master but i did the 3d course as well and run into the same issue over there too.

i will have a look at the old version of the course to see is i can understand it more with Ben guildens.

im sorry but its really hard for me to point out the specific places that i didnt understand because i lost him vary early in the quiz master section and couldent pick up the rest of the section cus most of it is connected. but mostly everything that has to do with the Unity UI layout is good but everything about the coding part i just cant seem to follow.

anyway the point is, i could try making a list here of all the questions i didnt get but it would be long and the idea of buying a course is that i wont need to start looking for the answers somewhere else, or at list not a full section.

im sorry but i would not have said anything if i was not following along with everything in the course and know that this course is market to people who have never did codes. or i wouldent have buy it.

i really not asking for reefund or anything. I love Game dev and the courses! i have high appreciation for Rick and i think he is a great teacher and i know Gary is a really impresive dev.
im also not asking for explanation in this section of the course itā€™s allready too complex for me so i will just move to the next section.

im saying all that cus i love your courses and want to give feedback and advice from a guy who never did codes but really seriose about it. and want to keep buying your courses but feels like some sections are just too advanced.

thanks for everything really appreciate. :slight_smile:


The old version of the characters course digs deep into rigging and animation, if you have access to it, you should give it a go.

Hi Aviv,

Thank-you for your honesty its really appreciated and i will return the sentiment :slight_smile:
Coding is not something that comes naturally to me either, I struggle with it as i find i am more in tune with blender but the more you keep at it and go over things the more it tends to stick.
Now i know this is easy for me to say as i work within the company but i started exactly where you are with the same courses and i found i had to repeat the course two or three time with also looking up you tube to understand things as well.

One of the reasons i asked where you were getting stuck is not every one learns the same way, I learn this very early on in life when i was learning to drive. I had a very patient and understanding instructor and i failed 3 times with my driving test. I stopped for 12 months and then took 10 lessons with a different instructor who worked out i needed to be pushed to succeed and so he made jokes about my inability and that pushed me to prove him wrong. I passed with 3 minor points on the whole test.
Now i am not saying that is what we need to do here but sometimes a different perspective can help with learning certain techniques.

As others have previously mention the C# fundamentals could be a good help and also taking a step back and picking up our Unity Bolt course as that takes a smaller step into coding without actually having to type code.

With regards to the blender courses it depends on the topic you want to learn, One of the newer sections in the beginner blender course now features rigging a model manually and also a basic walk cycle.
Our more advance courses skip over the rigging and animation as its more tailored towards sculpting and making a specific character type.

Another point i would like to make here is sometimes we dont always get things right on the first go for everyone and so the course does get refined.
If something like this gets highlighted then i go and review the lecture, I thought you might be getting lost in the word ā€œstateā€ being used a lot as i know i did and suggested that a flow chart to highlight where the game is so that state is not confused with being untidy but the part of the game it is at that point in time.

Dont feel upset or bad because you are giving us feedback that is not at all positive because all feedback for us is positive in that we learn to become better teachers and how better to present the information we are trying to teach :slight_smile:

Please do let me know if you get to a point where you know ā€œWell i dont understand this part of the course that explains singletonsā€ we are more than happy to help and if you post in the ā€œAskā€ section for specific questions it can be picked up by Nina and forwarded onto the instructors or myself to look into if needed.


Thanks for the hints, unfortunately the one I subscribed is new course like ā€œLow Poly Characters - Blender Bitesize Courseā€ which donā€™t have what you mentioned. One thing similar, I bought the course is always based on who is the author, and in this case the author is Grant Abbitt, I am expecting him to show the tutorial in human rigging in that course and not Mixamo, this is actually what I am referring to though.

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I think Gary is a good teacher but I do understand the comment and I believe this has been discussed several times in this forum (including with Gary). My guess is he has just been trying to strike the balance of getting through a lot of material in a fun and ā€œquickā€ way, but also trying to explain things which can be difficult.

It probably doesnā€™t help that when Gary picks up the course it starts diving into more complex territory (not his fault, nature of the beast). The beginning of the course is a lot of fun but I think perhaps it lures you into a false sense of security because it is all super fun and well put together as a course.

I think one of the main issues is that a lot of people who take this course, do the C# section in a day or two, maybe a week tops (at a stretch), and then are immediately jumping into Unity. That all seems fine with Rickā€™s early lectures, but then once it starts getting into Arrays, Loops, Classes, Functions, things can become very confusing very quickly. (And that is typically the stuff Gary takes over on)

I believe there is a solution somewhere in the middle ā€“ perhaps more side lectures going into some of these issues before they are put into practice, and also, as the student, I think itā€™s important to spend much more time in C# and doing exercises etc before you leap into further lectures.

When I first tried to learn Unity some time ago, I had similar issues. However I took time out, made a bunch of C# Console apps, did challenges and exerciseā€™s, and then came back later. Things made 1000% more sense to me after that. It is my belief that for people who are not from coding backgrounds (of any language), much more time should be spent on the absolute fundamentals. They cut it short to keep the course fun and to get to the ā€˜good stuffā€™ but ultimately, a little wax on, wax off pays off - big time.

Just my 2c.


i understand and appreciate all the help
i will just try going through it again and see if i can understand it the second or third time.
your right that coding takes time to get and i will just be patient.

thanks a lot for everyones help. :slightly_smiling_face:


I feel exactly the same as you @Aviv_Rebalsky and you make very valid points from my point of view, especially when there seems to be a pattern with how clear and simple Rick makes things which sets the bar. Taking complex lessons and breaking them down into bitesize chunks isnā€™t easy so I can understand the difficulty for the teachers if they have to get through a lot of topics for a section.

This section could definitely be revised for more true beginners (if that is the intended audience), no problem if itā€™s aimed towards beginners whoā€™ve been upskilling via various sources outside of GameDev, we shall just have to pad out our learning with other sources. Iā€™ll expect that there will be a number of new learners who will be intimidated with sounding dumb asking too many questions, so wonā€™t bother even commenting in the Quiz Master section.

Having no coding background (apart from the first Unity sections with Rick and dabbling in one of the Unreal courses) and this section just snowballs with the code side of things.

I agree with @heckadactyl that there could be some side lectures to help bridge the gap and this may just help those of us who may slip through the net on this section.

Anyways, GameDev are great, and this is hopefully a constructive suggestion alongside others going forward for any existing or future learners.

I have very little coding knowledge and Garyā€™s lectures are a step up in coding and he covers code and coding concepts I have no idea about. Sometimes he explains this well enough and other times he doesnā€™t. Thereā€™s only so much he can cover in the lectures though and this course, to me, is designed for personal learning as well. Using the provided forums and Youtube to understand whatā€™s being said. I take notes of everything said in the lecture, tidy them up and once a module is done, Google what i didnā€™t understand. I understand the frustration, but I disagree, it should be challenging to some extent

Poor Gary, seems to be taking a beating in these forums. I googled to see if other people were struggling with his teaching style. With Rick Iā€™m having fun and feel Iā€™m starting to get it. With Gary I just feel mystified most of the time. He seems like heā€™s amazing for advanced concepts, very well prepared lessons, great vocal delivery but I just feel the level of what he is teaching is so over my head I just follow along and then lose the joy of figuring out the challenges for myself. The poor guy is also on projects that arenā€™t very inspiring from a game design point of view. If it were up to me Gary should do some intermediate and advanced courses and they should replace the Gary parts of both courses with new sections by Rick that repeat many of the concepts from earlier for spaced repetition.

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I completely agree with @Aviv_Rebalsky. Rickā€™s stuff is amazing, but Iā€™m really struggling with what Gary is teaching as a beginner. Iā€™m trying to follow along exactly, but things arenā€™t working, and itā€™s really disheartening.

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