Revision cards / Janki Method - How I learnt to learn how to learn how to code

Silly title, I know. My post is mainly to give one way which I hope will be able to help at least one person out there to help with their coding skills. This post is particularly to those learners out there who have told themselves at least once in their lives “I don’t remember the code I learnt in that video/textbook last week” etc, etc

The Janki Method is what you really should read.

It really does help you learn (and remember) to code, or to learn a language, or learn a new skill etc, etc

I won’t go into detail as you can read the link yourself, but it’s basically electronic revision cards.

Create some coding revision cards, and revise them every day. If you have trouble remembering one of the cards, put it at the top of your list for the next time you revise. If you find a card easy to learn, put that card at the back.

Hope it helps, I also wrote a quick blog post about it just now (see below), but primarily still, read the link above.


It really sounds interesting :smiley:. Sometimes learning (especially coding) can be difficult, and I try to use a lot of resources, e.g., to understand the topic deeper. And I like it when I can find help with accounting or coding in one place. I like such content which helps with learning time optimization.

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