Retro adventure type offering

The terminal setting made me think of the old Adventure games from the days when such terminals were common. So I used that as mt inspiration. Of course, this represents a tiny part of such a game but it does the job. Feel free to have a go if you like, if you do it may be useful to know that the anagram words are mostly related to the D&D/Adventure type theme.

I may come back to revisit it (possibly) and if so one idea that I had is to keep a single word for a number of tries and tell the user how many positions of letters he got right, making it a bit like a Mastermind type game.

Dungeon puzzle

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Hey i like that! I’ts a fun simple little something that could very much lead to something great!
Otherwise it’s nice alone as is. A good self mind challenge :smiley:

Would be kind of cool to be able to turn the TV dials to turn pages of the game.
Dial 1 changes your difficulty.
Dial 2 changes your volume.
Power Button at bottom takes you to main menu or if you hold it in for 5 seconds or longer it quits game.
lol just off top of my head thoughts.

It is part of the Unity/C# course. Unfortunately the console is provided as a game asset and we are just supposed to code the logic behind the game (you will find lots of variants of the game in the section coded by different people). But who knows maybe when I have got to grips with Unity more, I can probably revisit the game and modify the terminal code.

I like it! It does remind of the days of text adventures.
You can go digging into the terminal code easily enough. If you’re just looking for the general code, you can see it in the asset tab in Unity. If you’re specifically chasing methods, then you can (on Windows at least) right click on a method and choose “Go To Implementation” on the pop-up menu.

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