
This I need a lot of practice with… :-/

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heh i’m hoping this isnt an ideal example. This is like importing a triangulated fbx and making a model from scratch out of it haha.

But at the same time figuring out the way to line up the topology as all quads can be QUITE the puzzle.
(this one is triangle based which makes it unconventional? or slightly unfair)

I would practice but… Instead hoping to see what tips he has laid out next XD

Yeah I created some franken-hybrid of edge loops, just like in Mike’s video:

But i ended up dissolving each edge edge one step at a time to see where I was going. It was hard to predict a pattern.

Wierdly enough; it ended up looking symmetrical despite loosing track of what I was doing:

^other side of model

Heh, it could actually look like something when you extrude/scale it:

Mike’s Topology Orb, lol.


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