Resource file doesn´t work

It seems like the movie data doesn´t really work (at least for me?)
I´ve downloaded the clip two times already but the image doesn´t change over the complete time span (neither in VLC Player nor Blender itself).
I can only hear audio.

Does anyone else have this problem?

What file where?
There is no link or reference to what course or lecture you are doing.

Hi Olipec,

I have managed to investigate at guessing what the file you are referring to is and what the issue could probably be.
I’ve had to refer this on to the instructor and our team as something strange is going on and i think its probably a windows update is causing an issue.

I checked my previous download of the file that i used to QA the course with so i knew it had worked and i am getting the same issue as yourself.
The download appears to be the same in that it appears that windows no longer has the codec’s to play the file.

All i can say at the moment we are looking into this issue.

Thanks for your patience

Hey guys,

Sorry, I was thinking that asking a question directly under the lecture would also directly refer to the lecture discussions itself.

I am talkintg about the " Blender Visual Effects - Real World Meets CG" with Alfie Vaughan
At “Planning Scene / Exporting an Image Sequence” there is the file:


Hello Marc,

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hi OliPec,

I’ve spoken with Alfie and he has reminded me that the image wont play in a windows environment as it was created with apple prores software.
However i have retested the video and it will work from within blender.

It does highlight another issue for us however as the questions under the lecture are meant to tag the lecture to make it easier for us to find the course if students havent mentioned the course.

I’ll look into that also.

TLDR The file should be fine once you add it an image node in blender it just wont work in a windows playing environment.

Edit :- Tags seem to work so might be a temporary glitch.

Hey Marc,

Even when I export the image sequence out of blender itself, it shows me constantly the same same picture for all of the images from frame 65 to 165

I´ll try to download once again and import.

Thanks for your support so far.


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